Sunday, April 27, 2008

More Prayer, More Unity

So yesterday, a bunch of us gathered and prayed for an hour or so. There was no agenda, other than the fact that we were not watching a movie, as we normally do on Saturday nights. We prayed about love and hate, doubt and faith, the world, and ourselves. We gave thanks, and we asked for forgiveness. Everyone agreed at the end that this was a good thing, and we were glad we did this. Why then, is it so hard for things like this to happen more often? I know a few reasons why corporate prayer doesn't happen except at the predetermined times I make for it. I don't want it to be that way though. I want God to rest where I am, and I can see no better way for that to happen then when I and other believers are gathered to together, talking to God.

A side note: I don't intend for this to be a theology blog where I discuss random points of the Christian faith. Blogs like Resurgence and Pyromaniacs do that way better (although they've been skimping on new content lately; you're more likely to find a sermon by Edwards or Spurgeon on either site than anything that fits into my Internet reading attention span). I just want to talk about what's going on in my life, when I feel like it. If I just talk about God and things relating to Him, I suppose that's a good thing in the long run. It means that I'm at least thinking about my faith regularly, even if I don't act very faithful.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ahhhhhhhhh! A Prayer.

Dear Lord, save me:

1. From stress put upon me by the end of this my undergrad career
2. From undue stress I put on myself
3. From lethargy
4. From the temptation that comes from a mix of stress and lethargy
5. From the feeling of being trapped by my busy life
6. From the chaos of the every day
7. Because of your bountiful mercy and grace
8. Because You are who You are
9. By your unfailing love


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where's the Line?

Where is the line drawn between coming clean with one's deep secrets, and voyeurism?

Some Facts About Myself (Redux)

So two day ago I posted a list of facts about myself. This list contained some of my deeply personal struggles with sin and how I need God to conquer them. I originally intended for it to be seen by a limited audience, and then possibly expand the audience, but after listening to some advice and some concerns, I took the list off. It is still saved on my hard drive, so if you want to know more about me in that regard, I will be happy to show you. For now though, I'll settle for revealing myself bit by bit during the course of my blogging, than shocking you with everything in one fell swoop.