Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Better

When I went to my blog's page for the first time in a while to update it (gasp), I had to note with humor that my internet filter (K9) blocked my profile picture from showing up, for whatever reason. When I added the "Followers" gadget to my page, it was also blocked with this message: is blocked because it is currently categorized as: Social Networking


I guess this has something to do with cutting off things that lead us to sin, but sometimes, it gets damn annoying. 

Alex, I may be talking to you about this sometime soon.

Eventually I'll be one of the faithful...

...bloggers who do their thing regularly, but for now, I may settle for one post a year. So I found out about this band in the past couple days called Soul-Junk. 
1. They're a Christian band
2. They don't actually suck
3. They're quite prolific, starting in the early 90's as lo-fi alternative rock, progessing to experimental hip-hop, and now an avant mixture of both. 
4. They use verbatim Bible quotations for a lot of their lyrics. As in, their latest album's lyrics were Psalms 1-23. Today I downloaded their renditions of Exodus 1-16 off their blog, and they've also covered Genesis, some more of Psalms, and parts of Proverbs.
5. It's not a gimmick. The main guy does this cause he thinks that Jesus is cool, and Scripture is cool, and worship is cool, so he's setting it to music. And he's teaching his kids to worship through music. He has videos of it. It's pretty awesome.
6. I wish my parents let us form a family band and play worship songs in our basement.